
About Us.

Agent private listing is a Free service offered by Centum Signature Mortgage Inc.

Please keep us in mind for your client’s mortgage needs,

We offer Realtors a * 40% Referral fee through our Rewards4Realtor program

For more information visit:  www.Rewards4Realtors.com

Realtor Benefits:

  • More exposure for your listings
  • Also, earn a 40% mortgage referral feeShare this fee with your clients:
    Such as 10% to Buyer, 10% to Seller & 20% to the realtor
  • We also offer your clients the best rates possible
  • Cross market to other agents (Globally)
  • ABSOLUTELY FREE Listing service for realtors.
  • Add this to your listing presentation
  • All buyer leads are sent directly to you the realtor
  • No strict listing rules,  realtor to manage their own listings
  • Realtor To Realtor Network

This service is only available to Licensed Realtors
Home sellers must contact their realtor to list here

Agents can list:

  • Exclusive Listings
  • Pre Construction
  • Assignments
  • Coming Soon

Seller Benefits:

  • More exposure for their listings
  • Buyers for their homes will get the lowest possible mortgage rate
  • Centum’s Low rates make the seller home more attractive
  • Centum’s Low rates make the seller home more affordable
  • The buyer can get a part of the referral fee
  • The seller can get a part of the referral fee

Agent  Backend Portal:

  • Upload Listing Details
  • Upload Floor Plans
  • Upload Property Videos
  • Upload Property Photos
  • Upload Attachments
  • Free Agent To Agent SMS Service (Coming Soon)
  • No strict listing rules.

To Register Click Here:


Client/ Visitors  Frontend Portal>>>   www.ExclusiveListingsServices.com    www.ELS.ca


Centum Signature Mortgage Inc reserves all rights